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Adult Education

Our Adult Ed program centers around the Beth Ami Arts Group, the Book Club, and outdoor activities. Shabbat/Havdalah gatherings focus on topics such as social justice, current events, and other issues of human concern. Members and friends may choose to share their expertise. As lifelong learners, we attend the Denver and Boulder Jewish Film Festivals, Boulder/Denver JCC cultural events, and local museum offerings.


We encourage family participation in our holiday and cultural events. Parents and children have fun and learn together as we introduce and practice Jewish traditions and humanistic values. These include Jewish cooking, mitzvah (good deed) projects, and  tikkun olam (repairing the world) activities.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program

Each Bar or Bat Mitzvah student works closely with a mentor to explore his/her values as well as connections with Humanistic Judaism at Beth Ami and at home. Each student's value will guide his/her choice of a Torah portion, a mitzvah project and a Jewish hero. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah service is designed to celebrate the growing maturity and independence of the student. Families help design a ceremony that is meaningful to them and consistent with the values and traditions of Humanistic Judaism and Beth Ami. For more info contact

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